SR100 Introduction to Data Analysis

The new SR 100 is more fun and less work. This contradiction is made possible in this case because we have Mathematica’s power to carry us. You will learn the power and simplicity of functional programming and learn to exploit Mathematica’s built in 4,000+ functions.The entire SR 100 consists of 129 lecture videos which add up to 11 Hours 6 Minutes 58 Seconds.

You will need to get a 90% total grade in this course to move up to the next course, SR 110.

What is SR 100?

SR100 stands for Science Research 100. This is the very first SR course sequence, and it teaches scientific data analysis. In SR 100, you will learn to generate, filter, analyze and visualize data. This course uses mostly generated data using Number Theoretical and Combinatorial functions. You will analyze real (and messier) data starting in the next course: SR 110. Because you will use mathematically generated data, you also will end up learning a substantial amount of Number Theory and Combinatorics. You will find yourself able to solve many AMC and AIME problems using Mathematica.

What is taught in SR 100?

Here is the Table of Contents

Do I need to watch the lectures?

SR100 is taught mainly through the video lectures.

How much Mathematica programming do I need to know to take SR 100?

None. We assume no prior programming experience in Mathematica.

How much computer programming do I need to know to take SR 100?

None. We assume no prior programming experience in any language.

How much math do I need to know to take this course?

Pre-algebra is required. For example, you need to know what prime numbers, divisors, and prime factorizations.

Why Mathematica?

It is explained here: Why Mathematica?

What can I do with only what I learned in SR 100?

Even though SR 100 is meant only as introduction, you can still do your original research in the field of computational mathematics thanks to SR 100’s extensive use of Number Theoretical and Combinatorial functions for data generation, analysis and visualization. In fact, several of our students already won Best in Category and the First Place in science Fairs in several states in the United States using what they learned in this course.

What course comes next?

SR 110. It is the next course in sequence and you will learn how to analyze and visualize real scientific data using more advanced concepts and techniques. This course deals in diverse fields of Climate, Finance, Social Sciences, Economics, Linguistics, Chemistry and others. By completing SR 110, you will be ready to specialize in the field of your interest.

What comes after that?

SR 200 level courses. At the 200 level, you select courses that match your interest and prepare yourself to work at a research lab as a research intern.

Do I need an Internet connection?

Yes, You need an Internet connection.

What are the requirements for this course?

  1. You must have a headset communicate with the teacher in case you are planning to join the office hours.
  2. Must have the latest version of Mathematica (Purchase Mathematica) installed.
  3. Must have a computer to play e-Learning lectures and do the homework exercises.

Tell me more about your office hours.

James Choi will hold office hours for his students.  It will be held online via WebEx, the same way the classes are taught.  Students can drop by to ask questions.  The date and time will be announced on your course page.

How much and how long is the course?

  • (Only if this is your first Sabio course) Fill out this form and pay $50 registration fee to create your ID/password in our database.
  • There is no expiration date and there is no limit on how many times you join the office hours to have your questions answered or concepts explained.
  • Mathematica software is required and must be purchased separately using the links below.
  • Live office hour times and passwords will be sent upon registration. You can also ask questions after you log in to
  • Those of you who successfully complete this course will automatically qualify for SR 110.
  • You can check your progress as you try the homework questions.