How to accelerate video play

Simple Solution

Use Internet Explorer to view the video.  It will play without downloading first or buffering first.  It will be much slower if you use Firefox, Chrome or Opera.

Advanced Solution

This works only if your course shows “local” link for each lecture name.

You can make the video play must faster by storing all the video files on your hard drive, then clicking the “local” link to play the lectures.

    1. Install Internet Information Server on your computer if you don’t see a folder called wwwroot (do a search for it).  If you have wwwroot already, then skip to step 2 below.
    2. Create a folder with the course’ name under inetpub\wwwroot\ directory.  The first word in the file name is the course name.  For example, in case of “CalcBC 03.05.02…”, the folder name should be CalcBC.  In case of “PhyC 05.02.10…” the folder name should be PhyC.
    3. Download all the lecture video as a single zip file, unzip (extract, uncompress, expand) the files then copy them into the folder you have created.
    4. Now, you can play the video files immediately by clicking the “local” link at the end of the lecture name.